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CatalogManu Ampim - CDs, DVDs & Books

Compact Discs (CDs)

CD - The Five Major African Initiation Rites

CD - African History is World History

CD - Ancient African Medicine II

CD - Ancient African Rock Art
Price: $10.00 CD001
Price: $10.00 CD002
Price: $10.00 CD003
Price: $10.00 CD004

CD - Classical African Civilizations

CD - Critical Look at the Current Africentric Movement 1

CD - Death of the Willie Lynch Speech

CD - Documenting Your Travel Experiences
Price: $10.00 CD005
Price: $10.00 CD006
Price: $10.00 CD007
Price: $10.00 CD008

CD - Frederick Douglass: 4th of July Speech

CD - Great Zimbabwe

CD - Dr. King: A Deeper Look

CD - Atty. Oscar Blayton Interview:
Nubian Kings
Price: $10.00 CD009
Price: $10.00 CD010
Price: $10.00 CD011
Price: $10.00 CD012

CD - Primary Research & Africana Studies

CD - Primary Research Students
D. Deterville, K. Newhouse, J. Ivester

CD - Queen Nefertiti 1

CD - Understanding Malcolm X
Price: $10.00 CD013
Price: $10.00 CD014
Price: $10.00 CD015
Price: $10.00 CD016

CD - The Vanishing Evidence of Classical African Civilizations

CD - Two Pioneers of Africana Studies: William Hansberry & Chancellor Williams

CD - Life & Legacy of
the Hon. Marcus Garvey

CD - Obama & the Myth of
Dr. King's "Dream"
Price: $10.00 CD017
Price: $10.00 CD018
Price: $20.00 CD019
Price: $10.00 CD020

CD - The Revolutionary Dr. King

CD - African Artifacts & Looting
in Iraq's National Museum

CD - The Olympic Movement & Modern Myths

CD - Black Folks: Then & Now 1619-2010
Price: $10.00 CD021
Price: $10.00 CD022
Price: $10.00 CD023
Price: $25.00 CD024

CD - The Save Nubia Project

CD - Falsification of King Tut's Image
Price: $10.00 CD025
Price: $10.00 CD026


DVD - The Five Major
African Initiation Rites

DVD - African Initiation Rites &
The Role of the Ancestors

DVD - Ancient African Law

DVD - Ancient Egypt Culture
& the Black Student
Price: $20.00 DVD001
Price: $20.00 DVD002
Price: $20.00 DVD003
Price: $20.00 DVD004

DVD - Contested Terrain: ASCAC, ARCE, Counter School

DVD - Following in the Footsteps of Dr. Chancellor Williams

DVD - Living History: Guided Tour
of the British Museum

DVD - Relevance of African Culture
Price: $20.00 DVD005
Price: $20.00 DVD006
Price: $20.00 DVD007
Price: $20.00 DVD008

DVD - Stolen African Artifacts: Egyptian Collections

DVD - Merowe Dam & the Flooding of Ancient Kush

DVD - Flooding of Ancient Nubia: The Kajbar Dam Project

DVD - Ethiopia & the Cultural Origins of Nile Valley Culture
Price: $20.00 DVD009
Price: $20.00 DVD010
Price: $20.00 DVD011
Price: $20.00 DVD012

DVD - The Save Nubia Project
Price: $20.00 DVD013

Books, Calendars, T-Shirts

The Merowe Dam & The Flooding of Ancient Kush/Racial Identity in the Sudan:
Dispelling Popular Myths

Historical Primary Research Methods /
A Study Course
Theophile Obenga:
African Philosophy
The Pharaonic Period:
2780-330 BC

Towards Black Community Development: Moving Beyond the Limitations of the Lecture Model
Price: $15.00 for the pair
Price: $125.00
Out of Stock Price: $12.95

Save Nubia T-Shirt

Price: $20.00

Save Nubia 2012 Pocket Calendar

Towards A Definition
of Scholarship

Price: $10.00
Price: $6.00

If you prefer to purchase by mail order, include $4.50 for first item and $1.00 for each additional item for postage and handling (per order),

  and send the payment to:

Advancing The Research
8105 Edgewater Drive, Suite 209
Oakland, CA 94621

(510) 878-7279

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